
Welcome to my page!

Gwihwan Go

I am currently a first-year Ph.D student at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, advised by Prof. Yu Jiang. I am proud to be a member of the Software System Security Assurance Group - WingTecher Lab. I received my B.S. degree in Software from Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, in Feb. 2023. My research interest is in the area of utilizing DL, and testing DL systems. I also enjoy piano, badminton, football, and basketball. You can check out my recent life-overview from here

🔥 News

2024.08 : Content-Poisoning is accepted to ASE’24.

2024.07 : PolyJuice and DeepConstr are accepted to OOPSLA’24 and ISSTA’24, respectively. Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna, Austria, in September!

2024.04 : Retrieval-Poisoning is accepted to FSE-IVR’24.

2023.06 : I am honored to be selected as an awardee of the Chinese Government Scholarship (CGS), the most prestigious scholarship granted to international students in China.

2023.03 : I have been admitted to the Ph.D. program under the supervision of Yu Jiang at Tsinghua University, China

2022.02 : I acquired my Bachelor’s degree in Applied AI from Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

📝 Publications

Towards More Complete Constraints for Deep Learning Library Testing via Complementary Set Guided Refinement(ISSTA’24)[PDF, talks(chinse, english(to be uploaded))] Gwihwan Go, Chijin Zhou, Quan Zhang, Xiazijian Zou, Heyuan Shi, Zichen Xu, Yu Jiang

Imperceptible Content Poisoning in LLM-Powered Applications(ASE’24)[to appear] Quan Zhang, Chijin Zhou, Gwihwan Go, Binqi Zeng, Heyuan Shi, Yu Jiang

PolyJuice: Detecting Mis-Compilation Bugs in Tensor Compilers with Equality Saturation Based Rewriting(OOPSLA’24)[to appear] Chijin Zhou, Bingzhou Qian, Gwihwan Go, Quan Zhang, Shanshan Li, Yu Jiang

Human-Imperceptible Retrieval Poisoning Attacks in LLM-Powered Applications(FSE-IVR’24)[PDF] Quan Zhang, Binqi Zeng, Chijin Zhou, Gwihwan Go, Heyuan Shi, Yu Jiang

🎖 Honors and Awards

The 23rd KwanJeong Scholarship, KwanJeong Educational Foundation, Korea (Sep. 2023~)

Chinese Government Scholarship, Chinese Government, China (Sep. 2023 ~ )

Excellence award, Korea Society of Information Communication Security Ethics, Korea (Dec. 2022)

Student Success Scholarship, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (Sep. 2020)

Scholarship for academic excellence, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (Sep. 2018)

📖 Experiences

🎓 Education

📚 Hobbies

Funny Facts